Decisions. Our daily lives are filled with decisions. When to get up, what to eat, how to spend our money, how to care for our families. The list goes on and on. Some decisions are easy. Some are overwhelming. It can be exhausting and soon we feel completely bogged down. Life is happening to us and we’ve lost control. All we can do is hang on and endure to the end. Sounds depressing, doesn’t it?
When we feel like life is just happening to us, it is easy to settle into a reactive mindset. We assume a defensive position and expend a lot of energy just trying to survive. This doesn’t produce much enjoyment or fulfillment.
The good news is that Jesus didn’t come just so we could endure our daily lives. He came that we might have abundant life! (John 10:10) When we approach life from this perspective, we can have a proactive mindset. While we can’t always control what happens in life, we can control how we respond when it happens. We can set our intention to embrace our day no matter what comes our way!
Choose to be proactive. Make a daily affirmation. It can be as simple as this:
Say it to yourself in the mirror every morning. Whisper it under your breath throughout your day. Declare it even when things don’t look so good. Changing your mindset will change your day. Set your intention today to enjoy your life!