The Chapman University Survey of American Fears Wave 4 (2017) results were recently published. A random sample of adults from across the U.S. responded to questions about their level of fear regarding a variety of topics. Here are the top 20 fears according to their findings: Corrupt Government Officials American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare Pollution of Oceans, Rivers and Lakes Pollution of Drinking Water Not having enough money for the future High Medical Bills The US will be involved in another World War Global Warming and Climate Change North Korea using weapons Air Pollution Economic/Financial collapse Extinction of plant and animal species

I am becoming very familiar with the grieving process. When I first learned about the stages of grief back in college, I had absolutely no idea how many times I would go through that process in the years to come. Just within the last 18 months I have lost seven family members and friends. It certainly hasn’t gotten any easier; however, I now recognize it for what it is. I’ve noticed that there is an ebb and flow to grief. At this point in my life, I am more comfortable with embracing the process and “riding the wave.” God is

Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? Isaiah 43:19 A new year. A new decade. A fresh start. A blank page just waiting for this season of my life to be written on. I’m so thankful that 2010 has arrived. Last year was a difficult year for me. A storm was brewing, but I failed to notice the weather change until the rains began to fall. As the flood waters began to rise, I clung to the Rock with all of my strength. But the waves increased in frequency and